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Home » Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation » Can cataract surgery cause double vision, dizziness, or loss of balance? 

Can cataract surgery cause double vision, dizziness, or loss of balance? 

Cataract surgery is something that every person will have to do at some point in their lives. It is a quick and usually complication free surgery. However, if you have any underlying problems with depth perception, how your eyes track, or work together, it can make your problems more noticeable.

Cataract surgery can change your depth perception and how your eyes work together. This is because your brain may have gotten used to how your glasses affected your spatial perception.

There are several types of cataract lenses that are more likely to cause problems with dizziness, balance, double vision, headaches, migraines, or other symptoms.

These include:

  • Monovision (one eye distance and one eye for close up)
  • Multifocal (putting multiple distance in focus at the same time)
  • Accommodating IOL (meant to replicate your natural lens but often fall short)

We recommend our patients who are undergoing cataract surgery to have both eyes corrected for the same distance.

  • This can either be both eyes for up close (best for patients used to that) or both eyes for distance (often more convenient).

If you are suffering from double vision, dizziness, balance problems, vestibular problems, headaches, migraines, light sensitivity or other symptoms after cataract surgery, there may be help.

We treat many patients for post-cataract surgery binocular dysfunction and they are able to improve their symptoms and quality of life.